Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Womans Tough Descision

We all know of how strong and resilient the spirit of a woman is…

So, for a woman (our sisters, our mothers, friends and daughters) to decide that an abortion is what she has to resort to, then we know that this decision was not reached light-heartedly. Therefore for us, to go jumping on our moral high horses and deny this woman safe mother hood services through legalised, safe and professionally sanctioned abortion for which there are WHO guidelines on how this should be done, we opt to burry our heads in the ground while our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends are pushed to the corner left alone at the mercy of quacks (as most of the specialised care is found in the city) who then induce abortion in unsafe manners only the woman to be brought to Kenyatta Hospital in her dying bed from complication of abortion we are being discriminative and inhumane to our women. This woman in the dying bed has left a whole community in the rural area without a woman to fend for them – as we all know that the pillars of any society esp the rural ones is found in the woman who sources for firewood, water, to drink and water the crops to harvest and sell to get school fees to educate the little bundle of joys who now will have to be forced to be mothers, fathers, and when all fails become gangsters so as to fend for themselves and their siblings (since we all are on our high horses – as we wonder how can someone neglect their children like that forgetting we are the ones who stood full our grounds anchored by ignorance and deny their mothers an opportunity to access safe, cheap (yes cheap – that’s why some of the clinicians who wear masks of anti abortion campaigners while making convenient bed fellows with the clergy on this matter but are busy fuelling their teenagers vehicles with the funds from abortions secured clandestinely at a premium unreachable to the ‘kawaida mwanainchi’ who cannot afford this premium and has to resort to an equally expensive procedure at the hands of an eager ‘kwack’ which she might be forced to pay with her life. So as I was saying…make abortion legal, rare, accessible and affordable to our mothers, sisters, friends, and daughters under the watchful eye of professionals governed by the government availing a comprehensive safe motherhood package to our mothers….

This is more of a passionate verbatim...not much of a dialogue...maybe you can also share on your verbatim...

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